A. AoMTT configuration guide for playing games through Hamachi nets. 1. Download the 1.10 patch for AoM and the 1.03 patch for AoMTT, and update the game with them. You can grab those patches here: http://clan_gdm.260mb.com/index_archivos/Descargas.htm
2. Download the AoT_Loader application from this website's download section, and paste it on the main AoMTT folder (by default C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology), and create a shortcut to desktop of it.
3. Download the Hamachi client from the link above.
Open Hamachi and follow the logical user registry steps. Open the 'Join or Create Net' menu (lower right corner of the Hamachi interface), enter the 'Join an existent Net' menu and introduce the name and password of a net (i.e.: GDM_TITANS1, with password 123 in which you will be able to meet people from the Clan). For using Hamachi along with AoMTT correctly you'll have to reboot your PC once (not any more times from now).
4. Create a desktop shortcut of your net connection. This should be: Start... Control Panel... Net and Internet connections… Net connections… (Here you look for your current connection and make a shortcut of it).
5. Congratz! you've got your AoMTT and Hamachi clients ready for joining games!
B1. Steps to be followed for 'emulating'. As an introduction, 'emulating' means making AoMTT work with your Hamachi IP and not with your local IP. Steps:
1. Once you have followed the ‘A’ guide contents, open Hamachi and look for someone to play a game xD.
2. In the shortcut to your Internet connection make a right click and then click on 'Disable'. This will cut your Internet connection.
3. Enter AoMTT and get to the Multiplayer > LAN/Direct IP section.
4. Press Alt + Tab for coming back to the desktop, and activate your connection again (right button, 'Enable').
5. Good! You have now got your AoMTT emulated for playing games.
B2. Alternative way (easier, faster, and more comfortable) for the emulation. It doesn't need you to disable the connection or anything.
1. Enter AoMTT and go to the Multiplayer section, and then get to Online (like if you were going to go on ESO).
2. In the login window, type in an incorrect password (any number), and then Cancel to go back to the Multiplayer window.
3. Go on the LAN/Direct IP section.
4. Nice! You've got AoMTT emulated faster than before.
C. Additional words. 1. For the game to connect correctly, everyone must be in a common Net, or atleast have everyone in the game in some of your Nets.
2. Sycronization Errors use to happen when someone uses Meteor, Tornado or Pestilence (between others), causing a crash and loss of the game you're playing. Try not to use them (or if you're losing... who knows ;D). Anyways those errors almost only happen on games with more than 3 players. Don't worry too much about them in 1v1 games.
3. I'll be updating this when any information gets to me… xD
Well, have fun, i hope this helped =).